Home Improvement Projects To Avoid Doing Yourself


A lot of effort goes into upkeep and renovations on a house. From replacing the carpeting and repainting the walls to installing new appliances, the tasks can be never ending. Some of these labors can easily be handled by the homeowners over a weekend, while others need a professional’s expertise to do the job correctly.

A recent survey discovered that 56% of DIYers’ motivation was to save money, while 20% said they were looking for a challenge. Whatever the reason, there are plenty opportunities for disaster to strike, such as higher than expected costs, home damage and injury.

First, a common project that gives DIYers trouble is replacing a faucet. Installing a new sink fixture may seem simple enough, it’s more complicated than meets the eye. In turn, it’s common for homeowners to run into other issues such as water damage and disintegrated valves after finally getting under the sink. Once these problems add up, it’s time to seek the help of a professional plumber to make sure no further damage is caused and the new fixture is correctly installed.

Another project to leave to the pros is drywall patching. Unless you are an experienced carpenter, performing this task by yourself could provide lackluster results. For example, to perform a successful patch job free of any protrusion or noticeable surface variations, it normally takes two to three coats, which should be spread out a day apart to appropriately dry. Patching also requires sanding for the finished result to look brand new. If you have a hole or crack in your wall, contact an expert for a professional-looking finish.

Lastly, DIYers frequently underestimate what’s required of them when installing a new exhaust fan. Exhaust fans need to be installed together with durable metal housing and adequate ventilation. If done incorrectly, it could lead to drywall damage, condensation accumulation and among other unnecessary expenses.

For more household projects to avoid doing yourself, please see the accompanying guide.

Guide created by Fix St Louis, specialists in window and door replacement

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