Converting Your Chlorine Pool Into Saltwater Pool – The Process Involved And The Benefits


Saltwater pools have existed for a long time now, but we are recently seeing a resurgence in their popularity. There are good reasons behind this growing popularity. Saltwater pools are better than chlorine pools on many fronts. The only downside would be the high initial cost of installation.

Before getting into the steps to convert your chlorine pool into a saltwater pool, here’s why it’s a good idea:

  • Saltwater pools are easier to maintain. Yearly maintenance of chlorine fibreglass pool Toowoomba is both expensive and cumbersome.
  • Salt is a natural and safe sanitization agent, unlike the chlorine present in traditional chlorine pools
  • The swimming experience in a saltwater pool is better since saltwater is smoother and softer. Experienced swimmers can easily feel the difference.
  • Saltwater is beneficial for people suffering from asthma and certain types of allergies
  • The unpleasant stench of chlorine is absent in saltwater pools

Saltwater has many benefits over chlorine water. If you have decided to make the switch, you are in for a good experience.

How to convert your chlorine pool into a saltwater pool

Here are the steps to convert your chlorine pool into a saltwater pool:

Decide if you have to drain your pool

It’s possible to convert a chlorine pool into a saltwater pool without draining it, provided you aren’t using any antimicrobial agent. If you are using any antimicrobial agent in your chlorine water, you will have to burn it using high doses of chlorine. But if you aren’t using antimicrobial agents, you can skip this step.

Burning your chlorine pool will turn it white and cloudy. It’ll take a few days to settle down and clear up. Now you can go forward with the next steps.

Test the water

You will have to test your pool water’s chemistry for the following things before turning it into a saltwater pool:

  • Free chlorine
  • pH
  • Cyanuric acid (stabilizer)
  • Alkalinity
  • Calcium hardness
  • Heavy metals
  • Salt

It’s essential to complete this step before starting the conversion process. You can start converting your pool into a saltwater pool only when its chemistry is in balance. Otherwise, you will end up with a saltwater pool that doesn’t serve its purpose.

The next step concerns your pool liner.

Be careful about your pool liner

You are in luck if your pool has a vinyl liner. You won’t need to take any additional steps to use a salt chlorinator. In fact, it’ll be better for the life of your liner since its chlorine exposure will decrease significantly.

Many in-ground swimming pools have galvanized walls behind the liner. The steel will gradually rust if your liner develops a leak (even a little breach), allowing highly saline water to flow against it.

Similar to in-ground pools, above-ground swimming pools with plenty of metal components can corrode over time from being around saline water. If your above-ground pool is made of resin, you can go forward with the conversion process without worrying about this.

Choose a chlorinator

Saltwater pools are sanitized through a method called electrolysis, in which an electrical current passes through the salinized water. A saltwater chlorinator performs this task. Choosing a good chlorinator is essential to have a functional saltwater swimming pool.

When choosing a chlorinator for your pool, you should keep the following factors in mind:

  • Features
  • Size
  • Price

Advanced saltwater chlorinators offer tonnes of features, but are also costly. The size of the chlorinator will depend on the volume of water your swimming pool can hold.

Once you have decided on a chlorinator, it’s time to install it.

Note: Consult a professional for chlorinator installation if you aren’t sure about how to do it.

Install the chlorinator

The installation of the control board and cell will take around a day once your water has been correctly balanced. Before you start, make sure the electricity is turned off using the circuit breaker. Shut it off once again as you finish the installation, and leave it turned off until you’re ready for a test round.

Follow these steps to install the saltwater chlorinator yourself:

Step 1: Prepare the Chlorinator

You can purchase a chlorinator that’s already filled with saltwater, or you can buy one that requires you to fill it with saltwater yourself. If you choose to do the latter, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions for filling the tank.

Step 2: Install the Feeder Line

The feeder line is the pipe that connects the chlorinator to the pool pump. Most chlorinators come with a short piece of pipe that you can attach to the chlorinator. The other end of this pipe is attached to the pool pump.

Step 3: Install the Salt Cell

Some chlorinators will have a place for the salt cell, but others won’t. If yours doesn’t, you’ll have to install it in the skimmer box. If it does have a place for the cell, then you can just slide it into the spot and lock it into place.

Step 4: Connect the Chlorinator

Connect the chlorinator to the pool pump using the hose that came with the chlorinator. Make sure that you connect the hose to the right port on the chlorinator.

Step 5: Test the Installation

Turn on the pool pump and allow the water to circulate. Test for leaks and make sure that you are not getting any chlorine smell. If you find any leaks, fix them before you fill your pool with water.

Unless you are an expert, you will probably not be able to install a chlorinator on your own. Even if you have done it before, advanced chlorinators come with different components that only a professional can understand. Since these steps involve working with electricity and saltwater, it’s better to hire a professional to handle it for you.


Turning your chlorine pool into a saltwater pool is beneficial for many reasons. Low maintenance, better pool hygiene, safety from harmful chemicals, and smoother water are some of the many benefits of a saltwater pool. We hope this guide inspires you to make the switch and enjoy a better swimming experience.

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